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The decisions of the Swim Director are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

No paddles, fins or flotation devices can be used.

No interference with other swimmers or pacing (unless prior approval obtained from Swim Director).

No personal escort boats, paddles or boards (unless prior approval obtained from Swim Director)

Wearing of swim-cap provided is mandatory

We expect all participants to act in a fair and sportsperson-like manner in relation to this event.


In consideration of and as a condition of acceptance of my entry in the TOWSA Swim Series (“the Event”) I for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and legal personal representatives hereby waive all and any claim, right or cause of action which I or they might otherwise have or at any future time have for or arising out of loss of life or injury (including psychological trauma) damages or loss of any description whatsoever (including property damage) which I or my equipment may suffer or sustain in the course of, or consequent upon, my entry or participation in the said event howsoever arising except to the extent prohibited by law.


I hereby release and discharge the Townsville Open Water Swimming Assoc. Inc. together with all persons and corporations involved or otherwise engaged in promoting, staffing or operating the Event together with the servant, agents, representatives and officers of any of them including, (without limiting the generality of the foregoing), sponsor organisations, land owners and lessees, promoters and organisers of the Event, together with their respective directors, officers, employees, consultants, contractors, ,agents, officials and volunteers, from all liability for loss of life or injury, (including psychological trauma), damages or loss of any description whatsoever (including property damage) which I or my equipment may suffer or sustain in the course of or consequent upon my entry or participation in the said Event howsoever arising except to the extent prohibited by law.


I hereby declare that I am medically and physically fit and have undertaken adequate training for the event mindful of the specific route of the course and the duration of the swim.


I hereby agree that in the event of storm, rain, inclement seas or winds, the organisers of the event have the right to modify or cancel the event and the entry fee shall not be refundable. Any swimmers withdrawing from the event or not starting their entry fee shall not be refundable.

All competitor details will be entered into a database. Townsville Open Water Swimming Assoc. Inc., sponsors and/or any of their related entities may use the entrant’s names and official photos for future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes.


I acknowledge that participation in the Event is an activity which is dangerous with many inherent risks as a result of which personal injury (and sometimes death) are common and ordinary consequences. I therefore assume and accept all risk of personal injury or death in any way whatsoever arising from participation in the Event.


By nominating to participate in this meet, I hereby authorise the Swim Director to take whatever action is deemed necessary in the event of an emergency and accept responsibility for any and all costs arising from such action.


I have read, understand and agree to the race conditions as set by the organising committee and the swimmer’s declaration.


For the sake of abundant clarity, I, by signing the entry form, without detracting from or limiting in any way, the above points, acknowledge the meaning and import of each, and thereby take full responsibility for my own safety whilst participating in this event.


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